The Computing Center of the Department of Physics and the INFN Section of Rome Tor Vergata, in agreement with the two institutions, has created and manages the computer network and services to support the research of the Department and the Section. We remind you that the network is formally INFN’s and that the Computing Center, in managing it, is therefore subject to the provisions and policies of security and management issued by GARR, by the CCR (INFN Computing and Networks Commission) and by the Security group within this commission, as well as obviously to the laws in force.
All users of the Department and Section, when using the IT services, are required to read the documents and comply with the rules reported in this section, as well as to keep up to date with any changes to these rules. In particular, everyone must read the: Regulations for the use of IT resources
The use of INFN and Department IT services is guaranteed:
- to the staff of the Department of Physics and the INFN Section of Torvergata;
- to the staff with fixed-term contracts of the Physics Department and the Section;
- to the staff of other bodies affiliated with the Department with offices within the Department of Physics;
- to PhD students; to specialist students;
- to grant holders; to scholarship holders;
- to graduates authorized by their respective managers;
- to guests registered by the Department of Physics or INFN (temporary use of the network only).
The use of IT services is NOT permitted:
- to staff of other entities (not guests);
- to students from other departments or universities;
- to all persons not included in the previous list.
For people with temporary contracts (PhD students, scholarship holders, research fellows, …), upon expiration of which there are no longer any direct employment relationships with the INFN or the Department of Physics, the use of IT services will be guaranteed for a maximum of 2 months from the end date of the contract except in special cases established by mutual agreement with the Directors of the facilities . The email and login accounts will then be removed.